Sunday, June 18, 2006

Gardening success!

There is a huge amount of satisfaction in making a salad out of things you grew in your own backyard. While this may not be a big deal to many people, in our fast-paced and electronic age I find it a refreshing change to walk outside and pick my own food.

Dinner? How about a salad with homegrown lettuce, green onions, cucumbers and green peppers. (The tomatoes are about a week away from harvest, with the jalapenos running a close behind.)

That is a trellis on the right side of the photo. I built that last weekend while W was still in Colorado.

The photo on right is the same as one about four posts ago. You can see that the tomatoes have gone crazy and the peppers are prolific. The dark area in front is a new plot for watermelons.

While at Mebane Shrubbery I had a long conversation with the counter person about the presence of Peter Rabbit in my backyard. Dad lifted up the lettuce two days ago and baby Peter went darting across the garden. And on Saturday there were som e large nibble marks in my strawberries. So this afternoon I sprayed Liquid Fence around all of the edibles. Reportedly this stuff keeps out the deer and rabbits but whew(!) does it smell. Considering the main ingrediants are putrescent egg solids and garlic, I'd stay away too. After it dries, humans can't smell it but deer and bunnies can.

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